Last Friday in class we saw the first part of the movie ”Erin Brockowich”, a drama film from 2000 starring Julia Roberts. It tells the story of Erin Brockowich who fights to keep her life going in the right direction, but who also winds herself up in the middle of a legal fight against PG&E, Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Already in the first scene, we get an insight to who Erin is as an individual and especially her living situation. We learn that she is unemployed and out of luck. After another rejection at a job interview she is on her way home when another car hits her. Erin ends up with bad neck injuries, and without insurance the hospital visit becomes dangerously expensive. She files a lawsuit against the other driver, but looses in court. Now she is left with a debt of 17 000 dollars. She is an unemployed single mom with three kids, but Erin is strongwilled and fearless as ever.
I’ve been intrigued by the movie so far and found it interesting and exciting. I look forward to seeing the rest next week. I have tried not to reveal too much for those of you who has not seen it. If you might want to see it, you can have a sneak-peak at the trailer.
Another part of the assignment we were given was to write about how one person can make a difference. Erin Brockowich is a perfect example. I believe that every human being is special (we do know that no one is the same) and that we all have something to contribute with in one way or the other. If it is making a difference for one individual by being in someone’s life, being a supporting friend, a loved one or a family member. You can also make a difference just by existing and being the one that someone loves. Every human being should feel that they are making a difference and that they are being loved. We all have the need to feel needed.
Erin is a strong and independent woman with three children that needs her. But it is not as easy for her to except that she might need someone. Excepting help from others is somewhat difficult for her. Everything I write about Erin is based on my interpretation of her character so far in the movie…)
In the movie we experience how one single individual, completely normal and average can have an impact on so many people and really make a difference. Compared to the prime minister, public politicians etc, she might not be able to make a difference on a global scale, but that does not mean she cannot change peoples lives. Her own problems and worries at the time were piling up, while she consumed her time researching something that would turn many lives up-side down.
I think what the message here is that anyone can make a difference. Erin, I do believe represents a living situation a majority of people in this world can relate to. Her problems are currently very real for many people. The single motherhood part, the poverty, the unemployment or the legal difficulties. Even though you live an average life, you all have ability to do something important with your life, be of importance to someone. We all have it in us. Erin eventually finds her way of making a great difference and affecting peoples lives for the better. The key is to care.
Quote by Stevie Wonder: “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it”.
Picture found on wikipedia